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Choosing the Right Water Well Drilling Method for Your Property

A picture of water well drilling.

Despite having about forty-eight million cubic kilometres of groundwater beneath our feet, only a few meters are being accessed. With the increasing demand for groundwater, homeowners must understand the various water well drilling services available to ensure they access the most abundant levels of water without damaging their yards.

Let's dive in and discover the right drilling options for your property.

Types of Drilling

The water well installation method you choose can greatly impact the success and performance of your well. Here are various drilling methods so you can choose the most suitable one for your circumstances.

Rotary Drilling

Rotary drilling employs a powerful cutting head attached to a rotating shaft, which is driven into the ground. The cutting head pulverizes the soil or rocks.

Advantages of Rotary Drilling

This drilling process allows for fast drilling speeds. Because of this, some people consider it the best drilling method for larger water wells.

Disadvantages of Rotary Drilling

The drill bit can wear down rapidly in certain types of rock, such as hard granite. Also, this method may not be effective in loose soil or highly fractured bedrock.

Cable Tool Drilling

Cable tool drilling involves repeatedly dropping the impact bit. The goal is to crush the rock at the bottom of the hole. This makes space for the pipes in your well design.

Advantages of Cable Tool Drilling

It can prevent caving and over-excavation, providing stability to the borehole walls. Additionally, this method results in less wear on the drill.

Disadvantages of Cable Tool Drilling

Compared to rotary drilling, cable tool drilling is slower.

It's also the least effective in loose sand and gravel. Unconsolidated materials can cave in around the drill bit, making it difficult to complete a successful well.

Auger Drilling

This method uses a drill bit that resembles a screw. The bit is rotated while the drill head applies pressure to dig further into the ground.

Advantages of Auger Drilling

Auger drilling quickly excavates holes of any size through loose rock. This makes the method particularly efficient for drilling wide water wells.

Disadvantages of Auger Drilling

This method is not suitable for drilling through large stones or other obstructions. They can jam the auger and damage the equipment.

The drilling efficiency of the auger can also be affected by the moisture content and density of the soil. In muddy conditions, the soil may clog the bit and slow the drilling process.

Determining the Most Suitable Drilling Method

Understanding the geological conditions of the site is essential in selecting the appropriate drilling and well-maintenance methods. This includes the type of rock or soil present, its stability, and the presence of any obstructions.

Assessing water needs is also vital. The desired water volume, quality of your well water, and flow rate will impact the size and depth of the well. Costs vary depending on equipment requirements, drilling depth, and geology. Consider the cost-effectiveness and long-term maintenance needs of each drilling method before your final decision.

Top Water Well Drilling Services in Alberta

For top-notch water well drilling services in Alberta, look no further than Aaron Drilling. Since 1979, we've helped locals find the most suitable drilling method to ensure optimal water flow. Contact Aaron Drilling today to start your journey towards a reliable and sustainable water source.

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